August 2023 - Online Seclusion

Diving Deeper into Awakening and Healing of the Heart

To access all talks from this retreat, please follow this link.

* Talks which are highlighted in yellow are those talks we recommend listening to first.

* Talks which are bolded are those we marked as 'Recent Important Talks'.

* Please note that the transcripts have not been edited, and may contain some errors

Local Time Retreat Time   Recording
   Aug 18, 6:00, d1    Read    01 - The Opening
   Aug 18, 7:00, d1    Read    02 - Setting Down in Being and in Clarity, in the Inner Temple
   Aug 18, 11:00, d1    Read    03 - The First Steps in Opening the Heart
   Aug 18, 12:00, d1    Read    04 - Opening of the Heart through Feeling of the Pain
   Aug 18, 14:00, d1    Read    05 - Staying in the Temple of the Heart
   Aug 19, 7:00, d2    Read    06 - 1. Feeling Me - Who is Feeling Pain? 2. Getting in Touch with the Root Pain Behind Emotional Neediness
   Aug 19, 11:00, d2    Read    07 - 1. Evolution of the Subjectivity of the Feeling Me 2. The Root Pain in the Context of External Interactions
   Aug 19, 12:00, d2    Read    08 - Decoding the Emotions in the Heart as Representations of Emotions in the Mind
   Aug 19, 14:00, d2    Read    09 - 1. Two Modes of Egoic Construct - Self-defence and Self-destructive. 2. Stepping Out of Clinging to Self-image by Shifting into Love
   Aug 20, 6:00, d3    Read    10 - 1. Healing is Beyond the Control of Ego 2. Bringing the Light to the Root Emotion of Unworthiness by Merging with it
   Aug 20, 7:00, d3    Read    11 - The Rite of Passage: Embracing the Little Child that We Once were Within Us
   Aug 20, 11:00, d3    Read    12 - 1. Reexperiencing the Journey of Human Life 2. Knowing how to Forgive 3. Feeling the Root of All Roots of Pain
   Aug 20, 12:00, d3    Read    13 - 1. The Pledge to Renounce Negativity 2. Diary of the Heart
   Aug 20, 14:00, d3    Read    14 - Human Heart - the Personal Dimension of the Divine Feeling